Casino News: Enjoy Blackjack Attack Event at Littlewoods Casino

Enjoy Blackjack Attack Event at Littlewoods Casino

 August 26, 2011, 6:39 am (3 months ago)
On 27th of August Littlewoods Casino is coming up with its monthly Blackjack Attack event, where players have the opportunity to win 50 cash prizes worth GBP2,605. For participating in this event, players need to deposit minimum GBP60 in their Littlewoods Casino account during the event hours. Based on the wagering on the Blackjack table players will earn comp points.

During the event hours a leaderboard will be set up, so that player get updates of their position and this position will determine whether they have qualified for a tournament prize or not. Players having more comp points will have more chances of winning a prize. Based on the number of comp points you have earn prize pool worth GBP2,605 will be distributed among the top 50 players.
All the winners will be informed via email and they need to claim their bonus within 3 days. After that, the appropriate sum will be credited in their account within 24 hours. Thus, enjoy this bank holiday weekend with Littlewoods Casino!

LIttlewoods Casino is well known for its great promotions and exciting events offered on daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Use the links below and visit their site today!
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