Casino News: Popbet launch new reality TV orientated betting site

Popbet launch new reality TV orientated betting site

 July 25, 2007, 1:12 pm (4 years ago)
Popbitch, the celebrity website for gossips and Chickendinner, the cultural betting website had joined forces to introduce the new reality TV that is focused on the betting site, that is Popbet.
This new website had started the hosting bets in their recent series of the “Big Brother” but they will come to progress in accepting bets for the popular TV program like the X-Factor, I'm A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of here, and Strictly Come Dancing.
Betfair, the leading online sportsbook had already sponsored the website, they will be given inputs from the editors in Popbet who will be tapping the rumors on the message book of Popbitch assessing the type of contestants that had set their odds and the same time to utilize the prior contestants to examine in the voting figures.
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