Casino News: New online bingo site Sing Bingo set to go live

New online bingo site Sing Bingo set to go live

 June 24, 2010, 9:07 am (1 year ago)
Rumor has it that some of latest online bingo sites are set to go live. Apparently, online bingo site called Sing Bingo, which belongs to the same group as Costa Bingo, is one of the first ones to go.
It seems that Sing Bingo is going to operate on “888 B2B software Dragonfish”, and may provide a wide variety of the free bingo theme.

Their cutting edge graphic and first-class game play are for sure going to entertain the players but new bingo site might be delivering something innovative to the online bingo table - audio augmentation might play a big role in the gaming experience. You can expect some pop and rock music being featured as well.

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