Casino News: Online Vegas Casino tournaments

Online Vegas Casino tournaments

 August 26, 2009, 8:18 am (2 years ago)
Amongst the online casino world, slot competitions have turned out to be all the rage. Online Vegas Casino at all times guarantees their Tournament Lobby is filled with a wide range for any kind of player to select from. Two online casino Slot Tournaments that began this past Friday, August 21st, 2009, are still on and some outstanding award is up for grab.

20K Guaranteed Weekend Madness slot tournament completed on August 25th, 2009 at 8pm. Registration was accepted until 7pm. It was to cost players $9.99 to register and they started off with $325.00 balance. The prize pool started at 20K and 1st prize was looking at $9,000.00.

Remembering The Legend slot tournament with a guaranteed prize pool of $15,000.00 and a free entry, certainly this even was packed in, but never once did Online Vegas throw a cap on it. The Remembering The Legend tournament is going to be on until the end of this week, August 29th, 2009 ending at 9pm.
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