$232 million hit by a rancher
June 7, 2009, 9:14 am (2 years ago)One of the largest entire lottery jackpots in US history summed to $232 million has been hit on a stake of $15 by a 23-year-old rancher in South Dakota.
Neal Wanless shared his plans with Associated Press this week. He told them that he plans to buy himself more room to roam and pay back the generosity other townspeople have given to his family. He lives with his parents on their 320 acre ranch close to Mission, where they raise cattle, sheep and horses. They don’t own a phone, their mobile home was taken back last year, and it turned out that they are $3 552 behind in their property taxes. Needless to say, this huge win will solve everything for them.
Wanless purchased tickets worth $15 to the May 27 30-state Powerball drawing at a convenience store in Winner throughout a trip to buy livestock feed. He is going to take home a sum of $88.5 million after all the necessary taxes are deducted.
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