Casino News: Google and Yahoo won the case against California gamblers

Google and Yahoo won the case against California gamblers

 December 3, 2008, 9:53 am (2 years ago)
Two California gamblers who brought a claim against the Google and Yahoo search engines in 2004 for carrying gambling ads after they lost $100,000 at the tables lost the case as well in a California court last week.
The claimants appealed that online gambling in California is illegitimate, and therefore any activity of promoting online gambling by the search engines should be considered illegitimate as well.

California Superior Court Judge, Richard Kramer, discharged the cases and has granted exemption from obligation based on the federal Communications Decency Act (CDA) to search engines. Section 230 of the CDA states that operators of Internet services may not to be held responsible for the words of third parties who utilize their services.

Judge Kramer saw that, since Google and Yahoo had previously ceased permitting gambling ads in the U.S., there was no case. Microsoft, Google and Yahoo then paid $31.5 million to clear up with the Justice Department for their advertisement of gambling websites within the U.S.
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