Casino News: Fastbet and NYX Interactive new licensee

Fastbet and NYX Interactive new licensee

 November 20, 2008, 9:04 am (3 years ago)
Negotiations originated in January this year reached to completion this week when the Isle of Man authority revealed the reward of licenses to Swedish games developer NYX Interactive and to the betting exchange Fastbet.
NYX is getting ready to bring in a network gaming center on the island providing Internet bingo, lottery, casino, poker and sports betting, with all games and financial transactions managed, ruled and organized in the Isle of Man, which has a vigorous financial services business as well as being an online gambling licensing authority.

Fastbet’s latest license contains B2B betting exchange activities for white label clients as the company implements shared hosting and software as a service to the betting exchange world, operating from the island.

Tags: Fastbet,, NYX,, Isle, of, Man
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