BackgammonMasters.com Launch of Real-Money Poker Room
July 12, 2007, 1:52 pm (5 years ago)BackgammonMasters.com Manager stated that, “Let’s deal with it, after a continuous play of backgammon, it can be relaxing to shift your attention from the checkerboard to the game of cards.”
“There are many players of backgammon who are very talented in various board games like chess. Meanwhile, there are few of them who had shifted their gaze in the games of cards.
It is rapidly shifting, the game of poker increased while those who play backgammon adopted by the promotions.”
The promotion of the company BackgammonMasters.com will enable players of poker to play simultaneously for at least 3 tables in BackgammonMasters.com thus gaining their activities in the games and the overall experience.
Players can enjoy with no-charge fun mode games for educating themselves and practice without risking money. BackgammonMasters.com will offer their new poker room with their popular games such as backgammon and perudo, they are accessible in one software download.
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