Casino News: Borgata Opening of Summer for Poker

Borgata Opening of Summer for Poker

 June 24, 2007, 9:23 am (4 years ago)
The hotel casino and spa in the Atlantic City, Borgata had push thru the second yearly Summer open this week with 456 players in their 85 table poker room this event is the largest poker tournament launched with $500 plus $60 limit hold’em even culminating a $5000 and $200 and event in the no limit championship.

Borgata’s players are filled from the start of the open and in excess 450 players are registered in the said event which had a prize of $228,000. Stated by Joseph Brooks the accomplished poker professional the event has ran like the tick of the clock and the company run the tournaments in the Eastern Cost.

The tournament and initial championship goes to Chris Kwon, a native of New Jersey who walked away with $67000 in the morning just to play. The summer open structures and event is appealing to the players who take day trips and there is a balance in the tournament play with the action in the room, according to the tournament director, Tab Duchateau.
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