Casino News: Online Payment Processor

Online Payment Processor

 May 23, 2007, 7:57 pm (4 years ago)
Even though the European payment processing sector is confusing, it will soon see that there is some Canadian competition which has been announced that the Vancouver payZILLA Technologies Inc which has actually been able to acquire the European facing payZ EU firm.
It is also known that payZILLA Technologies is actually one of the many providers of online payment technologies as well as products and services which actually make it to be a good fit with the payZ EU payment systems which are known to specialize in the European online gaming as well as other high risk online payment processing.
It has also been said that the company has stated that the individual companies will take the time to work together so that they are able to work as what is known as one cohesive unit so that they are able to expand their offering as well as better serve their clients.
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