Casino News: Management to Change

Management to Change

 May 23, 2007, 7:50 pm (4 years ago)
This week, the Hungarian politicians are actually scheduled to take the time to debate the management that is associated with the country’s state owned lottery known as Szerensejatek which is following the actual introduction of the Hungarian parliamentary bill that is seeking out how to actually be able to regulate the management of the state assets.
It is said that the bill is now to propose that the lottery known as Szerencesejatek which is able to enjoy the seventy percent increase that is located in the revenues which has took place over the past couple of years that will actually be taken into what is known as a merged National Asset Manager company that is formed with the stake holders that are from three different bodies of government.
It is known that the new legislative proposal has actually raised the fears that the government could risk the fact that they are not able to find the actual support that they need to win what is known as the majority vote on the actual privatization sale of what is known as the resultant gaming company if the bill is able to be passed.
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