Taxation Could Be the Quid Pro Quo For Repeal
April 26, 2007, 7:22 pm (4 years ago)When it comes to supporting the Congressman Barney Frank’s attempts to actually repeal the controversial UIGEA this week, you may notice that taxation is more than likely going to be the sweetener that is used to get the United States fellow politicians to actually support him, this is according to the political observers in the well respected Washington publication known as The Hill.
On Thursday, Congressman Frank is actually set to give a little more detail based on his repeal proposals at a press conference and he has already said that it is going to be a difficult task indeed.
There is said to be a substantial financial incentive in actual terms of taxation for a move for repeal, and as chairman of the Financial Services Committee, Congressman Frank who is a Democrat is in a strong position to actually emphasize the point.
The observers opine that by Frank looking to raise billions of dollars with this new bill, this extra money could be used for expensive tax as well as healthcare and other domestic legislation that Democrats are keen to move in the direction on in this year in which the economy is troubled by a rather expensive war.
The Hill also comments that the actual introduction of that bill and its expected movement in the one hundred and tenth Congress shows how much has changed in the nation’s capital since the November elections that took place. You never know what could happen.
Automatic Translation