Casino News: Kyl Counter Attack

Kyl Counter Attack

 April 22, 2007, 4:22 am (4 years ago)
Arizona Republican Senator, Jon Kyl, who is the online gambling’s arch enemy, used a Senate Judicary Committee enquiry to gain push for his anti online gambling agenda last week.
Senator Jon Kyl was actually a part of an enquiry into the actual dismissal for inappropriate conduct of eight United States Attorneys recently. United States Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was in the hot seat and Kyl actually used the opportunity to actual put the spotlight back on the UIGEA, which he actually helped draft and ram through a late night session of Congress that was attached to the Safe Ports Bill that took place last year.
The respected lawyer Lawrence G. Walters, in his assessment of the actual exchange, who is of actually said the questioning appeared to catch the Attorney General rather off guard, as the actual hearing pertained to his responsibility for the alleged improprieties that were associated with the firings of the United States attorneys.
Jon Kyl was initially on topic with his first question to Gonzales, but then he digressed, actual requesting a meeting to discuss “crime victims” to which Gonzales had little option but to agree.
Jon Kyl then actually launched into what is known as a lengthy monologue listing the vices of online gambling and also describing his efforts to pass the UIGEA, he actually praised the Department of Justice for their actual successes in what is known as a high profile industry arrests and also the disruption of payment methods that were used by the United States online players.
He actually questioned the Attorney General Gonzales regarding the soon to be promulgated regulations that are implementing the UIGEA as well as the potential substance of those regulations, strongly urging Gonzales to agree that there is a need for “strong regulations”. After being pressured, Gonzales agreed.

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