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Big Brother To Watch Chinese Online![]() The Chinese government is looking into actually assigning virtual cops to actually monitor and wipe out pornography along with gambling and other known illicit activities that are taking place on the internet, as the Ministry of the Public Security known as MPS stated this week.
It is said that by the end of June that these virtual patrols will actually monitor all the known major portals and also the online forums that are located across China as the ministry stated. There are a total of nine other ministerial level government departments and also the MPS that will take part in the actual campaign to actually weed out what the officials of the government consider being harmful material and other information and also illicit activities on the internet being this month which is April. The ministry stated that online gambling, vulgarity and also fraud are known to be among the top priorities. Zhang Xinfeng which is the vice minister of the MPS was quoted by the Xinhua News Agency saying “the existence of these problems has affected the healthy development of the internet, brought harm to the youths minds, contaminated the social ethos and disrupted the social order”. Zhang also stated that the infiltration and also the spread of pornographic materials from abroad and lax domestic management of the internet are a problem. Shenzhen was the first place that the virtual cops appeared last year, where the police actually inserted a floating cartoon icon of a policeman on major websites. The actual sites are linked to the local police stations and also have an alarm system. The success of that program prompted the MPS to take it nationwide. An internet expert that goes by the name of Lu Benfu is also an expert with the Chinese Academy of Science and said that the move would help maintain a clean cyber environment and deter online crime. He said, “The simple appearance of these floating icons will remind people these websites are under surveillance”.
Automatic Translation