Casino News: New Payment Processor in UK

New Payment Processor in UK

 February 24, 2007, 5:27 pm (9 years ago)

Seed Capital Ltd has launched new e-wallet service YouTeller in the UK. Though, there is some doubt if its servers can handle the traffic! YouTeller is launched after a long speculation period.

Youteller has been advertised effectively in several Internet message boards and in YouTube. Therefore, it was a well-known venture to online gamblers. It was discussed extensively even before it’s launching. Now, it is time to clarify the doubts and many related questions regarding this website.

Seed Capital Limited announced in a press release that new customers would be able to register a account only using an invitation link.

Florian Schweitzer, spokesperson of Seed Capital Limited announced,” Our servers could not handle the traffic if we open our doors for a public sign up. But it is our first priority to provide our customers with a stable service and reliable support. follows the GMAIL model. It will be a community-based payment processor".

Around a 1 000 customers have already signed up with this new payment processor during the pre-registering period. will invite them during the month of March. There is no chance of registration of Public account within the next few months.

Schweitzer expects that their Euro 150 per account and transaction limit will help them to be free from terrorists or other criminals. He added,” Our target audience are people who play community-orientated online games like poker, chess or role-playing games. People who need instant and worldwide payment processing,"

There is another advantage of the network-orientated registration process. This can help the security system to track any attempt of money laundering promptly. This company will surely cooperate with national and international institutions in money laundering cases without getting biased by customers' privacy.

Schweitzer also announced,” We will not give anybody access to our customer's personal information except when a court or government regulators require us to disclose information about them. In this case we will disclose only the information which is required".

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