Casino News: Enjoy Summer Vacation bonuses at Intertops Red Casino

Enjoy Summer Vacation bonuses at Intertops Red Casino

 August 3, 2011, 5:18 am (4 months ago)
This August Intertops Red Casino has decided to make their players summer vacation most memorable one. During the month of August, every week the popular online casino will offer players prizes up to $500 on its Summer Vacation Leaderboard. On a whole, they are offering $65,000 in casino bonuses.

As such also, Intertops Casino players receive points by enjoying any of the popular online casino game. Players re ranked in six levels. For knowing about their current point and level players can check out the leaderboard. After 5 weeks a draw will held where players from every level will win an interesting prize. 

Along with this, top hundred players will win bonus worth $250, on every Monday and Thursday. For enjoying this event, you just need to deposit at least $25 during the specified periods. Intertops Casino has a very exciting collection of casino games like roulette, blackjack, slots and many others.

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