Casino News: Video Games Betting launched by Virgin, EA Sports

Video Games Betting launched by Virgin, EA Sports

 January 31, 2011, 10:05 am (10 months ago)

Gambling will soon be accessible on the popular household video games such as the FIFA 11 and the Madden NFL 11 following the declaration of a novel deal in between Electronic Arts label EA Sports and Virgin Games.

Under the agreement with the Canada based, Virgin Gaming, a division of the Sir Richard Branson's Virgin brand, will become an official provider of the online tournament for the EA Sports. This will include all the head-to-head play, and also the pay-to-enter and the sponsored tournament for the EA Sports video games.

The platform provided by the Virgin gaming will be incorporated directly with the elected EA Sports games on the consoles of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, with the initial tournaments commencing in the upcoming months.

Virgin Gaming, which was launched in June 2010, permits aggressive console gamers to face each other in the head-to-head and tournament play for the real money. With its secure payment system and Fair Play Guarantee, players of all skill ranks are given the opportunity to battle easily and safely in the multiplayer games.
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