Casino News: Ј150,00 Pay Out by Online Casino

Ј150,00 Pay Out by Online Casino

 December 18, 2006, 11:26 pm (4 years ago)

The winner, who has been an Intercasino regular during the last two years, admitted that the win was completely unexpected. “Initially I thought I had won ten percent of the jackpot with a straight flush, but when I checked my hand more carefully and realised I had a royal flush I was absolutely amazed. It took at least ten minutes for me to collect my thoughts.”

For most of us Christmas is just popping its head above the horizon, or at least still just around the proverbial corner, but for one online poker player Christmas has very much arrived following an unexpected £159,535 win at Intercasino’s Caribbean Stud Poker.

The majority of the winnings would appear to be already well spent with the winner intending to treat his family and friends to a special Christmas and to a holiday sometime in the New Year.

The win is certain to be a welcome bonus just prior to the festive season, for a poker player who has been honing his skills since the age of twelve, “I have been playing Caribbean poker online with Intercasino for two years. I learnt to play poker when I was twelve years old and have been playing both online and offline since then.”

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