Casino News: Online gambling vs. land gambling in Australia

Online gambling vs. land gambling in Australia

 January 4, 2010, 12:16 pm (1 year ago)
As 2010 kicked off, land gambling operators in Australia are trying to fight back the government’s Productivity Commission proposal that online gambling be authorized in the country.

In the most recent of a sequence of attacks on the Commission’s conclusions, land gaming operators in the state of New South Wales told Australian federal government that rivalry from online casinos, if authorized, could result in hundreds of lost jobs.

NSW land operators told the national government any action to approve regulations relating to online casinos, same as the tougher limits on land gambling recommended by the Productivity Commission might force them to cut jobs so as to more efficiently compete and survive commercially.

Land operator trade association Clubs NSW is claiming that the Productivity Commission’s proposals have the ability to result in the decrease of land operator incomes by as much as 30 %, which sequentially could cause up to 200 venue shut down and the loss of hundreds of Australian jobs.
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