Stanleybetґs bighearted contribution
December 23, 2009, 11:44 am (1 year ago)Aristae in the Abruzzo region of Italy which was harshly damaged by a devastating earthquake, is going to soon have a re-established primary school courtesy of the bigheartedness of a UK online gambling company.
The Stanleybet International group has contributed Euro 1.3 million for the cause, the biggest generous payment made by a foreign company and one which is going to provide opportunity to have the education for 90 pupils in 13 classrooms when the rebuilding has been done at the beginning of 2010.
“We have very close connections in Italy in addition to employing a large number of Italian nationals within our business,” commented John Whittaker, managing director for StanleyBet.
“After such a tragic event, we felt it was our duty to assist in any way we could and as a result we decided to fund the rebuilding of the school in Arsita.”
Enzo Lucci, the Mayor for Arsita thanked Stanleybet and commented: “We are very appreciative to StanleyBet for its munificent donation and making the new school a reality. It means that our children are going to now have a place to learn.”
Automatic Translation