Casino News: iPhone and iPod Touch makes online poker experience easier for the players

iPhone and iPod Touch makes online poker experience easier for the players

 December 13, 2009, 11:52 am (1 year ago)
iPhone and iPod Touch punters are able to examine their poker skills in more extensive and deeper detail thanks to a latest system from American firm Deep Powder Software.

The Pro Poker Log system gives players the opportunity to record and study prior games whilst tracking and arranging playing times, location, blinds, rakes and competition fees in addition to the amount of money won or lost.

The application has a graph to illustrate development throughout a specified period of time whilst statistics are able to be e-mailed and are automatically backed up when the device is synchronized with iTunes.

“I finally understood that the only way to be a winning player and profit was to keep a log of wins, losses and notes from every game,” commented Gordon Craig, proprietor of Deep Powder Software.

“Then players are able to examine how they play and continually learn from their own style.”

Even though Pro Poker Log keeps track of details and calculates, it has a simple interface to make it user-friendly for anyone to use. If a player faces a problem, there is also direct link to the tutorial page.
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