Situation of Italian remote gaming
June 10, 2009, 7:10 am (2 years ago)The Italian government has started to conduct a move to liberalize the country’s remote gambling division by structuring new legislation extending licensing to online poker cash games, casino games, betting exchanges and betting on virtual events.
The aim is to introduce the projected regulations to the European Commission within the next few months hoping that the law will be in place by the end of 2009, the head of remote gaming at controller Amministrazione autonoma dei monopoli dei Stato (AAMS), Francesco Rodano has announced.
Italy now licenses online poker competition games and fixed odds sports betting.
Rodano has proposed that the range of tax levels for the new online games can be reach 20 % of total earning tax, higher than the existing 4.5 % tax on total gaming profits in sports betting, and the 3 % regarding ggr for poker competitions and skill games. The underlying principle for this turns on reverse payout ratios.
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