Casino News: Korean baseball player summoned

Korean baseball player summoned

 November 13, 2008, 8:49 am (3 years ago)
According to, reports the Korea Times and Joongang Ilbo, Kang Byung-kyu, a Korean baseball player who turned out to be a television star by hosting the Korean TV show "Vitamine", is to be summoned by local prosecutors to deal with the charges of illegitimate online gambling.
The celebrity's manager has contradicted any unlawful activity on his client side.
However, prosecutors claim they have enough proof to carry on the subject in court.

The case has based on the capture of 4 Koreans who launched an Internet gambling business in the Philippines which air live baccarat games to Korean consumers.

Prosecutors have stated that Kang was one of 130 punters who were identified utilizing the site, most probably from data found on records seized throughout the arrest of the website workers previous this year. Visitors to the website are claimd to have wagered money through the Internet, profiting the 4 website workers Won 100 billion throughout a period of eighteen months previous to police shut their operations down.

Kang supposedly sent Won 1.6 billion - approximately $1.2 million - to the website worker and was received back Won 1.2 billion - a loss of 400 million won.

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