Casino News: Betfair builds super garden

Betfair builds super garden

 June 22, 2008, 9:19 am (3 years ago)
Sponsored by online betting company Befair, a huge garden covered with an area larger than 50 football pitches was established for the closing stage of Euro 2008.
The message “NO. 1 FOR FOOTBALL AND STILL GROWING!” with a Betfair logo, was spelled out with various kinds of plants by the firm’s experts who spent the last four months growing the plants. It has been officially ratified by the Guiness Book of Records as the biggest advertisement yet.

Local farmers and horticulturists have been working on the field since February with dimensions of 1 380 metres by 316 metres and a total area of 436 250 square meters. It can be seen by passengers on aircraft on the final approach to Vienna International Airport.
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