Casino News: New deadline for resolution

New deadline for resolution

 June 19, 2008, 9:41 am (3 years ago)
There was an agreement between US Trade Representative and a delegation from the government of Antigua and Barbuda on setting a new deadline for the resolution of their World Trade Organization dispute over online gambling.
June 6th was the previous deadline but this was allowed to pass after Antiguan Finance Minister Dr. Errol Cort felt that there was a chance of an amicable settlement. Announcing the new deadline, Cort said that he felt a resolution was achievable, and that the new deadline would "...allow both parties additional time to see whether we're able to meet some amicable resolution."

According to Sean M. Spicer, a spokesperson for the office of the US Trade Representative, the US and Antigua were putting their efforts in settling the dispute through a mutual agreement with positive beliefs.
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