On 7th of September, a Charity Bingo event was organized at Ashperton Village Hall. The sole reason behind this event was to raise find for the AAS (Air Ambulance Service).
Using bingo as a means of raising fund for some good cause is not new. There are a number of organizations, who are organizing bingo nights for raising fund for charity. Such as local town boards in the UK and churches in US. On 21st of September, Malvern is planning to host another charity bingo at Ashperton Village Hall and funds raised from this event will be donated in British Red Cross.
On 24th of September, Farmyard Bingo will be held at the Suckley Primary School in Malvern. Amount raised from this event will help the MARS and SSFA rescue service. For a £5 bingo ticket, players can buy an outdoor square and then simply observe as the farm animals do their business.